Hi, I’m Tori.

“The mistake most of us make is that we build our homes in other people with the hope that they will deem us worthy of being welcomed inside.”
- Najwa Zebian
Why I'm Here.
I’m a Writer, Educator, and Coach.
I spend my time in purpose supporting people on their journey to develop deeper connections with themselves, their loved ones, and their lives.
How to Find & Interact w/ My Stuff
I hang out in a few different places.
TikTok is where you’ll find the shorter gut-punch videos people seem to love so much. :)
YouTube is where I post longer video content. Basically whatever doesn’t fit on TikTok that I want to talk more about.
Here on the newsletter you’ll see the most in-depth and actionable content I’ve got, including but not limited to:
- Full articles & guides
- Courses
- Reflection / Journal prompts
- #toritalks
My coaching program is where you can skip the library and start working with me directly. Click here to learn more about that.
Coaching Approach
My job is not to tell you what to do or who to be. It's to help you discover what those answers are for yourself.
I do this using a fusion of Compassionate Inquiry, Parts Work, and Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies.
Basically, I spend a lot of my time helping clients:
- Resolve inner conflict and conflict with loved ones
- Understand the root of their patterns & triggers
- Connect with their emotional bodies
- Regulate & hold space for challenging emotions
- Face & release old pain
- Connect to knew, present, and better feeling emotional experiences for today
- Remember who they are.
- Develop a deeper sense of self-compassion & connection
- Identify and get rid of old adaptive & coping strategies that are no longer working, while replacing them with something that will work better for them
- Develop a practice of boundaries, as well as vulnerability
- Feel more present and connected in their current-day lives
We do a good bit of trauma-focused work, but we’re not sitting around talking about the past all the time.
Learn more about the coaching program here:

Sourcing From…
I’m constantly learning & consider myself a lifelong student. Here are some areas I pull from to support me in supporting my clients…
Personal Experience. (You'll read and see a lot about those all over my content).
Experiences around me, such as clients, friends, family, media, stories, etc.
A growing network of social workers & other coaches who do similar work
Ongoing training & education in:
- Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies
- Developmental & Attachment Trauma
- Somatic Trauma Healing
- Parts Work (IFS Informed)
- Intergenerational Trauma Assessment & Healing
- Compassionate Inquiry
- Structural Dissociation of the Personality
- Whatever I find next after I’m done writing this
Independent study including but not limited to:
- Non-violent communication
- Radicalized Trauma
- Somatic Release Breathwork
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Mindfulness & Meditation practices for anxiety & depression
- You get it. I learn a lot.
If you have any questions for me, feel free to email me at tori@torireid.org.