The Challenge of "Authenticity"
Hurting someone’s feelings and causing them harm are two different things.
"Why Do I Keep Attracting Them?"
That question never helped me do anything but drown in my helplessness. What did help me was to get curious about...
The Sunny Side of Healing
Trauma tells us the loss of anything we love is dangerous. The pain is too big to bear. But it is a gift to ourselves to realize we can surrender this experience. This story. We can write a greater one.
Reflection Prompt: Your Life / Your Mind
Focus on a pattern in your life that you want to change. If you’re used to experiencing these patterns as something that happens to you, or something someone else is doing to you, we’re going to give you your power back really quick...
Your Mind / Your Life
"Your mind has to move in a different direction before your life will."
Are You Setting Boundaries, or Erecting Barriers?
We can define barriers as the roadblock version of boundaries. Meaning: they’re not here to repair the relationship or bring us closer together. They’re here to block connection and intimacy instead.
Your Undiscovered Birthright.
The other day I posted a TikTok about trust.
The message, simply put, was that when you trust people to
Self Worth Activity - Mirrors
"The things that bother us in other people are the things we dislike most about ourselves"
Self Worth
Where does self worth really come from?