Healing Is / Not...
Healing is not about having a "calm nervous system".
It's about having one that lives in
When you give yourself permission to practice your courage, everyone around you also gets permission to practice their own.
How to Feel Your Feelings Instead of Intellectualizing Them
The issue isn't that our feelings grow so big they overwhelm us. It's that we shrink to become them, because we've forgotten the rest of who we are.
The Art of Suffering
I dedicate this article to my father, and a practice that's saved my life on more than one occasion.
Is it Love, or Something Else?
At some point, we have to ask ourselves:
How are we defining love to the point where we get it so wrong so often?
Sometimes I forget that several generations of lived experience already exist inside my DNA and I've barely scratched the surface of unpacking them from the inside.
Safe Anger
People can only hear, understand, and soothe your anger when they aren't busy protecting themselves from the blows of your aggression.
The Missing Question.
I love you. But I can't make you receive my love.
We Don't Always Get Both.
Sometimes, discovering what it means to thrive requires us to first discover how to put the fight for survival down.