healing journey

How to Cultivate Healthy Relationships In Your Life

How to Cultivate Healthy Relationships In Your Life

The level of health you experience in your relationships directly correlates with your personal capacity for relational health.
21 min read
Transforming Your Inner Critic

Transforming Your Inner Critic

Why would we ever try to silence an ally instead of partner with it to form a better-functioning allyship? Wouldn't that make more sense?
22 min read
The Myth of Self Awareness

The Myth of Self Awareness

If I were practicing self awareness 10 years ago I would’ve been aware that my assholish guard was covering up deep, deep anguish. I would've known that the anguish I felt wasn't caused by any of the people I was behaving that way toward. But I wasn't aware of that.
4 min read
What They Don't Tell You About Meditation

What They Don't Tell You About Meditation

The point isn't to empty your mind. It's to observe it. Here's how.
7 min read
The Challenge of "Authenticity"

The Challenge of "Authenticity"

Hurting someone’s feelings and causing them harm are two different things.
5 min read
"Why Do I Keep Attracting Them?"

"Why Do I Keep Attracting Them?"

That question never helped me do anything but drown in my helplessness. What did help me was to get curious about...
1 min read
The Sunny Side of Healing

The Sunny Side of Healing

Trauma tells us the loss of anything we love is dangerous. The pain is too big to bear. But it is a gift to ourselves to realize we can surrender this experience. This story. We can write a greater one.
29 min read
Reflection Prompt: Your Life / Your Mind

Reflection Prompt: Your Life / Your Mind

Focus on a pattern in your life that you want to change. If you’re used to experiencing these patterns as something that happens to you, or something someone else is doing to you, we’re going to give you your power back really quick...
3 min read
Are You Setting Boundaries, or Erecting Barriers?

Are You Setting Boundaries, or Erecting Barriers?

We can define barriers as the roadblock version of boundaries.  Meaning: they’re not here to repair the relationship or bring us closer together. They’re here to block connection and intimacy instead.
7 min read
Healing Is / Not...

Healing Is / Not...

Healing is not about having a "calm nervous system". It's about having one that lives in
2 min read